The flora survey was initiated with the reconnaissance survey of the project site to provide a better understanding of the site conditions and vegetation types.
The aims of this flora survey are to assess:
Vegetation types
List of species which includes trees, medical plants, and lower plants
Species distribution and diversity
Presence of rare, endemic, and threatened species
Tree stocking
Study Methodology
The ground survey was conducted by utilizing plot layout design.
The plot layout design consisted of one square fixed plots measuring 100 m X 50 m which equal to 0.5 hectare.
All trees were identified to species level. Samples of leaves of trees not identified in the field were brought to base camp for further confirmation.
Selected species of interest were photographed using a digital camera.
Existing Tree Species
The project site is part of the secondary mid-elevated dipterocarp forest which had been previously logged over 30 years ago.
Some of the main tree species with diameters more than 45cm and above are retained such as Koompassia malaccensis (Kempas), Shorea parvifolia (Meranti sarang punai), Shorea leprosula (Meranti tembaga), Shorea ovalis (Meranti Kepong), Dryobalanops oblongifolia (Keledan), Syzygium dyerianum (Kerbau jantan) and Gynotroches axillaris (Mata keli).
Since some parts of the project site had been previously logged, it is dominated by secondary forest types of vegetation such as Sapium baccatum (Lundai) and Endospermum diadenum (Sesenduk).
Below are pictures of some tree species that are found within the project site.
Species found within the project